Make a Tax Deductible Donation. “Together We Can Make A Difference”.

Trophy of Life is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization designed to assist individuals who have lost hope and to extend act of kindness of hope and encouragement to individuals who have experienced less favorable situations in lifeĀ (children, teens, parents, senior citizens, widows, widowers, students, etc.).

Trophy of Life, Inc. is an excellent non-profit organization by which our society, churches, communities, civic organizations, families, friends, and businesses are able to extend the aforementioned acts of kindness. Understandably, the need is great, thus meeting the need requires a joint effort of involvement and support.

Your tax-deductible donation to Trophy of Life, Inc. would be greatly appreciated and goes directly to bring hope and encouragement to individuals from all walks of life.

YES, I will help Trophy of Life, Inc. bring hope and encouragement to our community and abroad.

Donation Options:

Make Checks Payable and Mail to:
Trophy of Life, Inc.
P.O. Box 1712
Glen Burnie, MD 21061